Today I reached the class a bit late as I slept very late last night, so got the punishment to dance in front of the whole class without even doing my breakfast. All the participants were enjoying and laughing. I felt a little bad and apologized for the being late.
Then Arthur, asked everyone to come and explain the topics which were assigned as homework, everyone seems to be excited and then it was Sonali who initiated the thing. Later other participants tried their level best to give good presentation as everybody was judged by Arthur on the content part only. The best part was after every presentation the participant was getting feedbacks from all the other fellows and as well as from Arthur and Tarun Ahuja as well. It was really a very nice way of showing mirror to oneself, the feedback like not well prepared, Deviation from the topic, irrelevant examples, Low Pitch, a little more elaborated, stick to the content etc. were the common feedbacks.
I was the 6th one, and i have to present the concept of Lizard’s way vs Hero’s way. I started with the eagle and a hen Story and was trying to relate the story with the topic. But it didn’t go well after questions from the other participants and I realized that it’s really very dangerous to come without adequate preparation.
Later Mr. Arthur Carmazzi started with the COLOUR BRAIN COMMUNICATION, which is really a mind-blowing concept designed by Arthur himself in order to focus more on “ Personality Dynamics. I was really amazed to know that the brain is divided in to 4 colours GREEN, RED, BLUE and PURPLE,
which works by identifying the fundamental patterns in the way our brain genetically processes the world around us. Through this we overcome misunderstanding, conflict, and wastage of individual and group potential. Awareness of these "Brain Communication" processes gives us the means to maximize our capacity act intelligently, to Turbo Charge our natural gifts and use them to maximize our ability to develop "software" for our brain to achieve greater competence across many disciplines. (
It initiated the curiosity that what will be the color of my brain. Very soon the excitement is over as we were given the CBCI to perform the test to know the color of our brain. And to my surprised my color of the brain as expected came out to be GREEN and that too on the higher side.
A GREEN Brain person are forward moving, they can see the big picture in their mind of the thing they are involved in, they only fully concentrate on one situation at a time, don’t pay much attention to detail and try to solve the problem quickly and then move on. Their Action process is like they just collect small amount of information , act on it, Process information and actions, Collect little more information and again act on it and so on move in a similar way.
Whereas, In case of RED Brain, the people process the facts available by referencing and cross referencing facts, which have a clear sense of purpose and direction, Deal with only one subject at a time, Process facts in a logical way and don’t usually express much emotions and create strong structure to keep values from being violated.
People with BLUE Brain process work by connecting events and are very particular about them, the best part about them is that they are emotional base and process and communication in feelings, They have extra sensitive ability to read and interact with people and communicate at deeper level because of verbal expressiveness and intuition.
Lastly PURPLE Brain requires lots of information for processing, According to them time, task, people.. Everything is connected and they need concrete details and facts, have a sense on individual identity rather than group identity and they show their caring by creating smooth operational system in life and work.
Ultimately today we learnt such a unique invented concept of Arthur which will help us in understanding the genetic communication processes of an individual and the brain flexibility that they have developed through their environment and experience, which will set the foundation for HR managers and Department heads to maximize productivity of individuals, departments, and the overall organization. Using the CBCI™ will enable individuals themselves to have a greater understanding of what is required to better perform their jobs, and how to enhance the natural talents in themselves and others.
Heads Off to you ARTHUR.. this tool will really make a difference in my life and also many others life whom I will train. …
Anshul Dhingra 02.45 am